Saturday, 9 October 2010


George Bush Junior allegedly said that ' the problem with the French is that they don't have a word for entrepreneur' .  Well, I can report with confidence that entrepreneurialism (in this case in the tricycle hiring sense) is well and truly alive in the streets and squares of Valparaiso.

Friday, 8 October 2010

Mapuche hunger strike (huelga de hambre)

After 82 days most Mapuche participants involved in this hunger strike finally put it to an end.  Read more about the reasons for their actions here.

Monday, 4 October 2010

would have been seven short of a century today

Today is the 93rd anniversary of the birth of iconic Chilean folk singer-songwriter Violeta Parra.  In celebration and commemoration of her life, musicians played this evening in Valparaiso's Plaza Anibal Pinto.  In this photograph Natalia Contesse and her band are in the swing of things.

Here is a link to a clip of one of Violeta Parra's most renowned songs 'gracias a la vida' (thanks to life) 


Sunday, 3 October 2010

taking on the giant

Meet Maik Pap, one of the  extraterrestrial ambassadors of Chilean soft drink company Bilz y Pap.

Thanks to the hard work of Maik and his otherworldly colleagues, Bilz y Pap has made significant inroads into this wedge of the lucrative telluric market. 

Saturday, 2 October 2010

expanding cranial circumference

 Street performers in Plazuela San Luis.  Another attraction of the 'Mil Tambores' (1000 drums) festival.

Friday, 1 October 2010

cuerpos pintados (painted bodies)

Today was the showcase day of Valparaiso's Mil Tambores (one thousand drums) festival.

The 'cuerpos pintados' (painted bodies) were a centerpiece.